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“There’s NOTHING to tell!” grandpa had always claimed when asked about his rare last name, Meieranz. “GRANDPPA’S LEGACY” lifts the well-camouflaged curtain and follows Grandpa’s trail – back through a generation of the GDR, through the agonizing years of the Eastern Front and back to a surprising address: Poland. Back through the expulsion of his great-grandparents in World War I, back through a century in which hundreds of thousands tried their luck in the rising textile capital of Lodz, to a small town on the periphery, Aleksandrow, where the Meieranz’ first names were Aron and Fayge and Shimon….
Little by little, a heritage comes to light that had been completely buried under Grandpa’s war debris. Something precious. A legacy. The piece of the puzzle that we, the grandchild generation, had always been looking for.
One of millions of German grandpas. One of millions of stories. One of millions of redemptions that are possible.